Your body is a temple so your care should be a ritual.

To take care of the body, one has to listen to what to the body is asking and respond accordingly. Often all the body needs is to be heard before it can let go. I have been studying communications with the body since I healed myself of limes disease at 17. I have been a massage therapist for 7 years, using both eastern and western approaches to working with the body as a whole organism. I have trained in lymphatic work, somatic emotional release, and eastern healing methodologies, and now I am in a masters program for non-physician osteopathy at Swiss international school of osteopathy.

Note: new client special is now 40$ off your first session

All lotion & laundry detergent is hypoallergenic & synthetic sent free.

Essential oils are used in this office. If you are sent sensitive, message me the day of, and I will not use any that day.

Lymphatic Facial with Buccal massage

Facial sculpting and wrinkle reduction. I work with the fluid, muscular and fascial aspects of the face. Sometimes I call this work the non-surgical face lift because it is so powerful at transforming sagging, inflammation, and tension lines. Helps with headaches, TMJ, and the glymphatic system (the lymphatic system of the brain).

Buccal massage works on the jaw muscles from the inside of the mouth.

Lymphatic massage

Utilizing heat therapy, cupping, gua sha, warm herbal infused oil. Targeting specific areas of lymphatic stagnation during a full body massage with firm-deep pressure. Liver release and organ abdominal massage further assist the detox process. Breast check and lymphatic drainage only done by request.

Somatic Emotional Integration

Have you every felt like you have worked things out in you mind or at therapy but they are still affecting you? Sometimes the are being held in the body, even when you are ready to move past them. I will help you find where your body is holding them and in a trauma informed way, support you to release them.

Craniosacral therapy

Cranial-sacral therapy came from the foundations of osteopathy. I work with the bones, membranes and the fluids of the cranium to support alignment and movement in the cranial bones and increase the vitality.

I’ve seen amazing this happen with whiplash, headaches, and brian fog. If you have had a direct trauma to the head, your body remembers and is often still holding on to the memory.

Note: I do not work with acute concussions. Please wait at least a month before coming in for symptom relief from concussions

Non-physician Osteopathy (student)

A very gentle approach to alignment, restructuring, and healing, osteopathy focuses on creating proper movement in the bones, organs, fasciae, and membranes. Every structure in the body has a specific movement and range of motion it is meant to perform. When a structure's movement is blocked, its vitality (life force) is also impeded. Because everything is connected, this can diminish vitality in other parts of the body as well.

You cannot take care of others if you do not first take care of yourself

About me

I grew up with some intense pain and illness. I didn’t feel like my body was my friend but rather an enemy I had to fight against every day. Slowly I began to teach myself how to create wellness and joy within my body and began the long and beautiful process of re-friending myself. 

Teaching myself how to live in my body gave me a lifelong passion for the healing arts as well as compassion for those in pain around me. I set out for massage school when I was 19, and since then I have acquired an A.A. in kinesiology: sports medicine and have done many individual trainings. I am now training as a non- physician osteopath.